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Juice For Life Ltd. is official importer of Angel Juicer for Bulgaria. Contacts: +359 882 012 449|


Vegetable juice must be made in the shortest amount of time possible. Because the destruction of nutrients is faster in juice form, ingredients must be ground in the shortest time possible.

When making the juice, 3~4 kinds of ingredients are ideal. This is to prevent the nutrients from various ingredients destroying each other.

Use little of strong-tasting vegetables, a lot of soft and sweet vegetables, and an adequate amount of medium-tasting vegetables for easier digestion.

If vegetables and fruits are ground using centrifugal or rotation methods, the nutrients become destroyed.

Firstly, mix and grind the cellulose just like a cow regurgitates and chews its food.

Secondly, squeeze the nutrients of cellulose using pressure to prevent destruction of nutrients.

Use the raw and natural, organic vegetables for more effect.

Maintain a good proportion between cellulose-abundant vegetables, such as kale, and vegetables containing less cellulose, such as carrots, for a balanced diet.

When making potato juice, cut out the green parts and sprouts, set the juice for five minutes and drink only the top part of the juice.

Appropriate Extraction Method

Before operating the juice machine, prepare materials in appropriate shape and size, cutting the leaves of big vegetables of kale into 1/3.

Place the prepared vegetables into the feeding chute, grabbing the push bar with the right hand and pressing the start button with the left, slowly feeding the vegetables with the wooden pusher. Juice can be best obtained when the next vegetable is juiced only after the first one is fully grinded.

Do not press hard on the vegetables, adjusting the speed to match the speed with which the vegetable is going in.

Pay special attention to soft vegetables with little cellulose. Too much pressure can cause the excessive juice to come out of the entrance, slowing down the extraction process. A spoonful of vegetable waste can be replaced in the entrance and pushed downward to down the juice.

● How long can I store the juice?
Vegetables and fruits start to lose their vitality and nutrients right after they’re harvested. When they’re ground into juice, oxidation occurs and accelerates the process. It is therefore best to consume the juice right after the extraction.

● How often do I have to drink the juice?
The effects of lacking nutrients appears immediately even in just a few hours and the body is in constant need of supply of nutrients. The benefits of juice are maximized if the juice is consumed daily.

● When during the day should I drink the juice?
The effects are maximized if digested in an empty stomach. This period is 2 hrs 30 minutes after a meal and 2 hrs 30 minutes before a meal. During this period, even cellulose or a bean is considered a snack and harmful to the body.

● How should I drink the juice?
a. The juice shouldn’t be digested in a rush, but rather with small, slow sips to absorb the nutrients.
b.Juice made from vegetables just taken out of the refrigerator can delay the digestive process, (especially for people with liver problems) so it is important to leave the vegetables at room temperature before making the juice.

● How much should I drink for faster recovery?
The more juice you drink, the more effective it is. Drinking a lot of juice is not only important in supplementing the lacking nutrients, but also important for recovering the body when a part of your body has been damaged or you are suffering from an illness. It is important to eliminate the toxins in the body through sweat and urine, and a lot of juice is necessary to do this.

● What other good methods are there when drinking the juice?
It is good to drink the juice in a natural environment, like a sunlit forest after light exercise and while taking deep breaths.
This causes the pituitary glands and the brain to excrete enough hormones for speedy recovery. The nutrients of the vegetable juice can be considered the ingredients, and the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland can be considered the conductor of natural recovery. The good condition of the conductor can bring about dramatic changes in the rate of recovery. (“The human body is like a building built on the materials it consumes.”)

● Is it okay to mix fruits and vegetables for a better taste?
Avoid consuming vegetables and fruits at the same time. It could cause gas in the digestive system and diarrhea.

● What is the consumption period of vegetable and fruit juices?
Period of one hour for vegetable juice and a period of thirty minutes for fruit juices. But people suffering from cancer or liver problems should lengthen this period and start with smaller amounts.

● How should I make and drink potato juice?
Prepare potatoes without sprouts. Do not peel. The juice must be rested for 5~8 minutes before drinking, and only the top section must be consumed.

● How should I make fruit juice?
You can make fruit juice any way you want. However, sweet fruits and sour fruits shouldn’t be mixed together.

● Is it necessary to make juices in different groups?
Effects can be maximized by consuming synthesized vegetable juice, which is organized into different groups depending on which nutrients are more required by the patient.

Vegetable fiber juice refers to the directly squeezed juice of raw vegetables with disintegrated cellulose so nutrients can be easily absorbed in the capillaries.

There are three kinds of vegetable juice: green, root, and fiber juice. green juice refers to the juice extracted from leaves, root juice refers to the juice extracted from the stem or roots, and fiber juice refers to the vitamin and mineral-rich juice obtained by finely grinding the white cellulose from the leaves, stems and roots to completely acquire the nutrients, such as vitamins and mineral enzymes, nested deep inside. Fiber juice is the most neglected juice of these three for being the hardest to acquire, all the while being the source of many nutrients.

Vegetable fiber juice contains a balanced amount of all nutrients necessary for sustaining life such as beta-carotene, vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, iron, copper, manganese, and potassium. Vegetable fiber juice also contains most of the green vegetables’ substances such as chlorophyll, flavonoid and saponin.

The metabolic processes of our body produces free radicals that create lipoperoxide, the cause of arteriosclerosis, diabetes, various cancers and aging. The antioxidants such as betacarotene, vitamin C and flavonoids of vegetable juice eliminate the free radicals, providing preventive and therapeutic effects.

Beta-carotene increases the production of interleukins (good for raising immunity), strengthens the activity of natural killer cells and macrophages, and has anticarcinogenic properties. Beta-carotene is effective for stomach cancer, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, and lung cancer, etc.

The blood pH of a healthy person is around pH 7.40±0.05, slightly alcalic. High acidity means death, with the limit being pH 7. Thus keeping blood pH levels close to pH 7.40 is essential for life. Maintaining safe pH levels requires a balanced diet of alkali and acidic foods which can be easily achieved with fresh vegetables and fruits. This is why the easy-to-make vegetable juice is gaining popularity, as demand for natural foods is increasing.

There is a big difference between consuming plain vegetables and vegetable juice.
Nutrition absorption rate: vegetable juice (67%), raw (17%) Digestion time: juice (10~15 min), raw (180~300 min)

  • The vegetable juice’s nutrients are absorbed more quickly when taken in an empty stomach.
  • Just as foams appear when pouring fresh beer, there are abundant enzymes in the foam of freshly
    squeezed vegetable juice. The foam also serves to delay oxidation.

Recently, many people have moved to rural areas in search of a good natural environment. Many people long for a rural life. But their lifestyles are no different from that of the city. They eat white rice and fried or roasted vegetables as they do in the city, and are exposed to higher levels of pesticides, which lead to more frequent cases of even worse health conditions. If they only understood the effects of vegetable and fruit juices, they would see that they are living in an environment with abundant resources.

Some people say, “I have had vegan diet all my life because I can’t digest meat. I don’t understand why I still have high blood pressure.” And a person with diabetes has been consuming calcium pills for a full year because of his broken bones, yet his bones don’t show any sign of recovery.

There are various stories from people with disease that doesn’t go away easy. Why does this happen? This is because their ways of absorbing nutrients are different. The nutrients that they have been absorbing are inactive, processed, one. When they started consuming raw vegetable juice, their body state became normal before even a month had passed, and their blood pressure became normal and bones started growing back.

If we understand and put our knowledge of the differences on the ways of absorbing nutrients to use, we wouldn’t have to suffer from our diseases so much, as supported by famous scholars and authors throughout the world.

It is easier to drink.

There aren’t many people who can easily consume the amount of vegetables that go into making one cup of juice. But it is easy for anyone to drink a cup of vegetable juice. Vegetables and fruits can be consumed in large amounts.

Many people have experienced beneficial effects by drinking as much as 15~20 cups of juice. But it would have been impossible for them to consume this amount if those cups were to be raw vegetables and fruits. Within a digestible range, one can experience better effects as one drinks more.

Some people are mistaken by considering vegetable and fruit juice as a simple alternative for medicine and take only 2 to 3 cups a day and claim it has no effect. If these people were to be taught properly and drank more juice, they would have a whole new level of experience.

Also, there are others who argue and teach that anything that’s taken in altered state, including juice, becomes excessive and poisonous to the body. What they don’t realize is the amount of the vegetables they should consume in one meal. A person should consume about 350g (Appx. 12.3oz, according to Korea Food & Drug Administration) of vegetables a day and there aren’t many who consume as instructed in raw form. Not to mention increased amount required should a person suffer from or recover from diseases.

It is true that not many people today appreciate the beneficial effects of vegetable and fruit juice, and fail to realize that lack of nutrients are the cause of various diseases.

Many modern people continue to live without adequate nutrients even with the blooming food industry in today’s society.

This is reflected in the climbing number of the variety of incurable diseases and the number of people suffering from those diseases despite the ground-breaking developments in modern medicine.

The number and variety of nutrients that we need to maintain and restore our bodies are truly immense, but only the most important will be discussed. Our bodies need nutrients such as fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and water.

Automobiles require gasoline combustion to make necessary force to move forward. No matter the amount of gasoline there is, automobiles wouldn’t run as they should without enough air to induce combustion, and if this condition is maintained, the engine will eventually break down.

The human body is similar: no matter how much fat, protein and carbohydrates a body has, it needs vitamins, minerals, and enzymes to process and use those materials to generate muscle and allow the body to move freely.

When these nutrients do not form a balance, the energy materials left in excess become rather deleterious and lead to adult diseases, a fact supported by modern medicine and nutritional science.

If at a lack of these nutrients, even for a short while, the deleterious effects will add up, requiring more vitamins, minerals, and enzymes to resolve the poisons. These nutrients are also necessary for delyaing aging, preventing exhaustion and obesity, improving skin condition, and providing vitality and clear-headedness.

These nutrients are even more necessary for people who drink alcohol, smoke, and undergoing a lot of stress, not to mention people who take medications for menopause and those living in extreme weather condition, for they use these nutrients at a higher rate than others.

Vitamins, minerals, and enzymes are necessary for maintaining life, and they can only be effectively absorbed when consumed from the natural state of vegetables and fruits. If afterwards, the nutrients are treated with heat or dried and exposed to the air for a long time, it becomes oxidized into a useless state which is harmful to the capillaries and kidneys, as the American scholar Norman W. Walker explains in his book.

It would be fortunate for people to realize this fact quickly before they find themselves victims of adult diseases, despite having consumed high-quality and rich foods. The root cause of adult diseases lies in our belief that a table set with boiled, roasted, fried, and salted foods is a good diet.

Only 2~3% of a normal person’s diet is composed of natural foods, which is too small a proportion to maintain healthiness. It is important that we supplement our diet with vegetable and fruit juices. We often see and experience for ourselves that even those who have had past troubles can lead healthy lives by realizing these facts.

1. When the red light of the power button doesn’t light up and the machine doesn’t work.

  • Check the fuse located behind the machine, under the power cord socket.
  • If the fuse is broken, replace the fuse with provided extra fuse.

2. When the red power light is on, but the machine doesn’t work.

  • Safety sensor might not be working properly, contact the local office.

3. When the fan located at the bottom doesn’t operate properly.

  • Stop using the juicer and call the local office for repair service.

4. When the motor is running but the grinding gear doesn’t operate.

  • This means the safety gear of the speed machine has been disabled.

Call the local office for repair. (The Angelia machine has many safety devices installed to protect customers when they put too many ingredients or apply too much pressure. The last safety device is the one within the speed gear.)

5. When the motor stops suddenly while processing the juice.

  • This means that the motor has overheated, and the heat safety sensor has stopped the motor. Leave the machine for 20 minutes with power on for cooling fan to run, and the machine will operate once again after the heat has subsided.

6. Angelia 7500 and 8500S Series has a built-in breakdown sensor device.

  • If the power light lights up and the main unit beeps when turned on, unplug the device from the power source and contact the local office immediately.

7. When the juice flows back while processing ingredients that has little cellulose and a lot of water, such as tomato.

  • It is necessary to adjust the feeding speed because these ingredients are easily processed even with a slight push.
  • If too much pressure is applied, not only will it juice less but also the process will become slower, in severe cases causing the clip ring to pop open.
  • This does not mean the machine is broken; you may insert a spoonful of pulp into the feeding chute again to prevent juice from dripping.
  • Slower insertion of ingredients will also help.

8. When chopsticks or a knife gets stuck in the Angelia by mistake.

  • Hold the chopstick or knife and pull outwards while pressing the reverse button.
  • For Angelia 7500 and 8500S Series, the machine will automatically go into
    reverse until the metal piece comes back out.

9. When the gears rattle.

  • The rattling gears mean a deformation of blades on one or both of the gears.
    Contact the local office for repair and/or replacement.


1. Make sure to unplug the power cord from the electrical wall outlet.

2. Do not place your juicer upside down or on its side as this may cause damage to the motor unit.

3. Locate the fuse box underneathe the power cord connector.

4. Pull out the fuse holder by using a flat head screwdriver on a small slit of the fuse holder.

5. Replace the broken fuse with the extra fuse in the fuse holder.

6. Carefully install the fulse holder into the fuse box underneath the power cord connector.

1. Remove pulps or fibers lodged in the screen area by using the screen scraper (cleaning knife).


2. Clean the Extracting Housing and Twin Gears with the cleaning brush. Clean all the parts immediately after the use before minerals from juice builds up on the parts of the juicer.


3. Wash the gears with cleaning brush or preferred cleaning material.


4. Wipe out the moistures on parts and main unit with dry cloth.

In order to avoid corrosion and damaging the magnetic sensor, DO NOT completely submerge the Extracting Housing in the water.

1. To help the disassembly, start(①)the juicer for 10 seconds and reverse(②) for 3 seconds. This will loosen the pressure built up in the extract housing while making juice.

2. Turn the power off with the power switch on the back of the juicer and unplug the power cord.


3. Unlock the Extracting Housing by lifting the locking clamp up. Then slowly pull the Extracting Housing out from the base unit using both hands.
Tip : Pressing start button with the locking clamp unlocked will automatically remove extracting housing from the mount.

diassembling-3 diassembling-4

4. Carefully pull the Twin Gears one by one away from the base unit


1. Plug the power cord into the electrical wall outlet and connect the other side to the main unit.
2. Place the juice cup under the juice guide and pulp cup under the pult outlet.
3. Turn the power switch on and check for the red power indicator light on the control panel.
4. Start the juicer by pressing green start button on the control panel.
5. Clean the juicer by using about 2 carrots or equivalant amount of vegetables. Alkaloids in the vegetables effectively cleanse the juicer. (Drain the juice from cleaning)
6. Juicer will automatically pull the ingredients with ease for stems and leafy vegetables such as celeries or kales. For leafy vegetables, feed the stems first. Make sure to feed the ingredients at the same rate of the juicers processing rate. If the juice starts to flow back, stop feeding ingredients and let the juicer process ingredients while pushing the over flow with wooden pusher.
7. If the juicer stops due to over load, press ‘reverse’ and ‘start’ repeatedly to remove stuck ingredients in the gears and use the juicer again. (Angelia 8500 has built-in automatic reverse that activates whenever the ingredients are stuck in the gears.)
CAUTION : Do not operate the juicers without feeding any materials for extended periods of time. This may damage the gears or result in deformation of parts.

●Please read the instruction manual before use.
●Operate the juicer on a flat and stable surface.
●Keep children away from the juicer.
●Allow the juicer to cool for 10 minutes for every 30 minutes of continuous use.
●Check the ‘Troubleshooting’ or contact the nearest center if the juicer malfunctions.
●Do not put spoon, fork, knife or finger into the feeding chute under any circumstances.
●Do not lift the juicer with wet hands. The juicer may slip out of hands.
●Do not assemble or disassemble with the juicer’s power on or power cord plugged.
●Do not plug or unplug the power cord with wet hands.
●Do not force the juicer’s operation or feed too much or too fast down the feeding chute.
●Do not heat or boil the juicer or any parts of the juicer.
●Do not operate the juicer under rain.
●Do not use the juicers for any other purpose than their intended use.
●Do not place the juicer near heat source such as burners or ovens.
Do NOT disassemble the main unit under any circumstances. Disassembled main units are void of warranty.
Do NOT operate the juicers without feeding any materials for extended period of time.